The 8 Question Meme
Legolas tagged me for the 8 question meme.Six names you go by:
-Robin the robber
Three things your wearing right now:
-A clip.
Three things you want very badly:
- sculpey
-that we move soon.
-To finish writing my book
Three things you did last night/yesterday/today:
-Played the song of the Eye of the Tiger.
-Jumped on the tramplean.
-made Christmas cookies.
Two things you ate today
Two people you last talked to on the phone:
-Mrs Hassett
Two things you are going to do tomorrow:
-Do Poor Box Toys inc ( AKA) Christmas peasants.
-make cookies .
Your three favorite beverages:
- Juice
Tagg 5 people
- courtly corners
-Thoughts of a shiledmaiden
- waiting -rose
-my spare oom