Our lovely Hostess is none other than, my sister Autumn, from Storygirl. Why not join with us each week ??
Outside my window.......Sunny and itlooks like a lovely Spring day
I am thinking about........All the school I need to finish this week.
From the kitchen...........Cereal and tea someone needs to do the dinner claen up.
I am creating ........Christmas presents. Lots of different types and I am going well with them.
I am reading.........The Lost Heir-G.A henty.
The Edwardian Lady-Ina Taylor.
A Treasury of Narnia -Brian Sibley.
I am hearing........youger siblings talking.
I am hoping.........That we sale our HOUSE by the end of NOVEMBER.
I am planning..........To finish my school work, so we can start a new study next week. To sew my skirt, start my planning folder for Orchard House Circle.
I am wearing............Jeans, A light Violet skivvy with a dark pink jumper with a scarf.
Around the house..........I need to catch up on my cleaning jobs and keep my space clean and tidy.
My wish of the week.....That we sell our HOUSE by the end of NOVEMBER.
